I've been found!
I can't believe someone found this. Heck, I can't believe I'm still being linked to by anyone. Nevertheless, when reminded, I realize that I used to really enjoy posting on here. As mentioned earlier, everything here will be drama free so nothing about anyone will be posted. Yes, it's boring. Too bad. You all know who you are that ruined it.
So, I see that I lasted posted in August. This corresponds to the exact time that work took over my life:
August - October: Training. i.e. boot camp i.e. crazy work that took years off my life. Oh, and the excessive drinking while getting to know the city.
October - December: Work. Work. Party. Work.
January: Detox. Work. Work.
I think I need a work detox.
The best part about my job is the cultural benefits. I get to go to all these museums. The little kid in me has begged to go to the dino-museum time and time again. It's awesome.
Wow. That was a boring post.
Too bad.
A bad post is better than no post at all! (I wonder if that's true)
Song Of The Moment: Fat Joe Feat. J. Holiday - I Won't Tell
Comment: I swear, I won't tell.
Happy Belated New Year
3 days ago